Next Hike: Solstice Canyon Trail - Sat. 4/20

Solstice Canyon Trail
5.9 miles

About 3 hours

Meet at Coral’s house at 8am
The trail includes the oldest still-standing stone building in Malibu, a small waterfall and creek, and several ruins - including the ruins of a moderate mansion. It’s a pretty crowded trail that will take us about an hour to get to so please be on time.

Everyone pack a lunch since this is the longest trail we have done and will probably need a break to eat lunch. It’s recommended to bring more than one bottle since we usually go through one bottle in our usual 3 mile hikes.

For instructions for the trail:
The say it's a little tricky to find the right trail:

This entry was posted on Friday, April 19, 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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